Welcome to the Mind Over Finger resources page
Here you will find a variety of resources and information to help you deepen your practice and improve your performance. This page is frequently updated with new content, so make sure to come back often for all of my favorite resources, including handy links, books on all sorts of topics related to mindful practice, podcast recommendations, and more.

Not sure where to begin to bring more mindfulness, efficiency, and results in your practice?
Grab your FREE METRONOME GUIDE to learn how to transform your practice. Turn the Metronome On and see the results!
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Stand Partners for Life
Go behind the scenes with two violinists who live together, work together, and play together.

Beyond the Triangle
A podcast focused on the art of raising young classical musicians.

The Music, Mind, and Movement Podcast
Interviews with musicians, educators, and health and wellness professionals who take a holistic view of the musician’s life.
Crushing Classical
Series of provocative interviews with musicians who are pioneering a new path in the classical music genre.

The Bulletproof Musician Podcast
Explore research-based “practice hacks” for beating anxiety, practicing more effectively, and playing up to your full abilities when it matters most.

The Strad
The Strad is an indispensible guide for string players, teachers and instrument makers alike, featuring expert advice and practical guidance each month.

Strings Magazine
Strings provides global coverage of the classical and new music played by many of its readers while exploring all musical genres where string players are active.

The Violin Channel
The world's leading, comprehensive violin and strings news source.

La Scena Musicale
La Scena Musicale is one of the world's most respected classical music, opera, and jazz magazine.

The Mind Over Finger YouTube Channel
Find all the podcast episodes and more on our YouTube channel.
The Inner Game of Golf
Gallwey provides methods and strategies to achieve potential –both in the crucible of competition and in everyday life. As discussed with Nathan Cole (#07), Milan Milisavljevich (#45), and Barry Green (50).
The Inner Game of Tennis​
This handbook works for anybody who wants to improve his or her performance in any activity, from playing music to getting ahead at work. As discussed with Nathan Cole (#07), Milan Milisavljevich (#45), Barry Green (50), and Elizabeth Faidley (#55).
The Inner Game of Music
This book is designed to help musicians overcome obstacles, help improve concentration, and reduce nervousness, allowing them to reach new levels of performing excellence and musical artistry.
The classic work that influenced generations of musicians, written by podcast guest Barry Green (#50).
The Inside-Out Revolution
Bestselling author Michael Neill shares extraordinary principles that allow you to tap into the deeper intelligence behind life, access your natural wisdom and guidance, and unleash your limitless creative power.
As discussed with Nicholas Pallesen in episode #51.
In this brilliant book, Dr. Dweck shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities.
As discussed with Elizabeth Faidley in episode #55.
Performance Success
Performance Success teaches a set of skills so that a musician can be ready to perform at his or her highest level, working with energies that might otherwise be wasted in unproductive ways. Hear author, Dr. Don Greene discuss these principles more at length in episode #15.
(My FAVORITE for auditions!!!!!!!)
Fight Your Fear and Win
Seven essential skills required to fight fear and perform at your best: Determination, Energy, Perspective, Courage, Focus, Poise, and Resilience. The ultimate tool for conquering your fear and achieving success when you need it most. Hear more from Dr. Greene in episode #15.
The Talent Code
Daniel Coyle identifies the three key elements that will allow you to develop your gifts and optimize your performance in sports, art, music, math, or just about anything. As discussed with Jason Haaheim in episode #7.
Talent Is Overrated
Bringing together extensive scientific research, bestselling author Geoff Colvin shows where we go wrong and what actually makes world-class performers so remarkable.
As discussed with Jason Haaheim in episode #7.
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's famous investigations of "optimal experience" have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow.
Psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman offers a groundbreaking look at today’s scarcest resource and the secret to high performance and fulfillment: attention.
The Power of Mindful Learning
Ellen Langer uses her innovative theory of mindulness, introduced in her influential earlier book, to dramatically enhance the way we learn using her concept of mindful or conditional learning.
Peak condenses three decades of original research by famous expert Anders Ericsson to introduce an incredibly powerful approach to learning and to offer invaluable advice on setting goals, getting feedback, identifying patterns, and motivating yourself.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The integrated, principle-centered 7 Habits philosophy developed by Stephen Covey has helped readers find solutions to their personal and professional problems and achieve a life characterized by fairness, integrity, honesty, and dignity.
James Ehnes, violin
Andrew Armstrong, piano
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas no. 6 & 9
Tessa Lark, violin
Marina Thibeault, viola
Marie-Eve Scarfone, piano
Works Clara Schumann, Fanny Hensel, Nadia Boulanger, Rebecca Clarke, Lilian Fuchs, and Anna Pidgorna
A MUST! My personal ABSOLUTE FAVORITE metronome/tuner app!!!! All the bells and whistles you would ever need from a metronome!!! It does everything!!! Best 4$ you'll EVER spend!!!

My favorite practicing app! Fantastic recorder, timer, note taking, and mindful prompts! An amazing way to stay on track, present, and motivated!
Seiko Quartz Metronome
My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE metronome when I'm home!!! Loud, simple, with a perfect classic tempo progression. Turn it on, get it done!
Dr Beat by Boss
When things must get serious, gotta get the Doctor!
Manhasset Stand
Perfect for my home studio! This stand is the only one I use! Reliable, long lasting, most durable music stand made. It's a classic!
Aria Stand Light
No other stand light will do! Save yourself some trouble and invest in those now!!! Several models available but I recommend a combination of plug-in + rechargeable (linked below).
Palomino Blackwing Pencils
The dreamiest of all score marking pencils! Goes on smooth, clearly visible, matte finish, and easy to erase!
Zoom H4N
Handy Recorder With advanced X/Y microphones, incredibly natural-sounding preamps, and a super-low noise floor. Welcome to the new gold standard in field recording.
ATR 2100 Mic
The mic I use to record the episodes of The Mind Over Finger Podcast
Lavalier Lapel Mic
My latest aquisition since I do more live interviews: a good quality lapel mic! This one has a has fantastic quality vs price ratio!
Tascam Headphones
Perfect quality for the price! A great starting point for anyone looking for quality but not wanting to spend too much!
Smartphone Tripod
So, practicing with the phone propped on your stand is fine but, when you're ready to take it to the next level, this is a perfect starting point! Perfect price (cheap!!!) and light!
Bech Mute
Perfect! Great sound for orchestra (I have a handmade leather mute for solo performances), come on and off easily, NEVER rattles!!!!